

I have decided to open a new shop with new partner in crime. We're still talking about the concept tho. I want something urban and well-themed. I'm afraid we do not have time (and enough money) to run our thousands new ideas about our shop.

I don't know.. I just feel weird recently. Maybe because a lost-love syndrome whatever. But really, I thank you yo\\for your sweet comments on my Broken-Hearted Club post. It really means a lot :)

So.. I have made simple tote bag. Sewing takes LOTS of time, besides I'm a rookie here so... Pardon those crazy stitches.

The upper tote is 35000 IDR and the bottom one is 50000 IDR. I'd love to give you more detailed pictures of various totes with different handles but I haven't had enough time to take pics. Ggghhh. I'm glad I'm busy with classes but I need more time for my shops too!

Oh, a quick update. I had my hair coloured. :)
Nggak terlalu kelihatan ya?? Warnanya keemasan gitu.
Kayanya mau potong rambut juga deh sedikit. Tapi gaya rambut apa ya yang cocok? Yang jelas nggak mau dipendekin *thinking*


  1. I love tote bag!! :D bikin yg banyak donk hehe

  2. The tote bags are great! Nice hair ;)

  3. wa... bagus tote bagnya...
    pengen liat yang lain... :))

  4. yang pasti harus tetep pAkai kacamata XD


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