
Tights Necklace

How was the Eyeglass Necklace everyone? Gampang kan bikinnya?
Karena saya suka banget pakai kalung, jadi maaf ya kalau sejauh ini tutorialnya kaluuung terus :P

For now, yes, again and again it's necklace tutorial. I found gorgeous eco-friendly idea from this blog: Obstinate Pursuit.

Kalau ada teman-teman yang kebetulan sudah beli tights tapi belum pernah dipakai karena ngga PD, jangan dulu dibuang yaa. That's what happen to me. I was very comfortable wearing tights in ANY color but for nuw (maybe as am turning 23) i don't really like wearing neon colors (not for tights but necklace is always ok).


Potong bagian telapak dan bagian pinggang sampai jadinya lurus (seperti yang ada di gambar blog Obstinate Pursuit.

Teman-teman bisa pilih, mau dibuat sepanjang ini.

Atau dipotong pendek seperti ini.

Kalau dipotong pendek, jahit aja dulu, bisa pakai benang karet supaya melar sedikit ketika dipakai, but i used sewing thread anyway.

Sekarang, pasti butuh rantai dan ring untuk kalung pendeknya. I chose gold, leftover from previous project.

SELAMAT YAAAA! Sudah ada dua kalung baru nih teman!

ps. Sorry for the hair :o

1 comment:

  1. you are very creative!!



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