
The Good Tuesday

..with Good Mail!
Well, on previous post I told you that I have unpublished project called "Good Mail Project". It's actually a project that just popped-up like a pop corn just because I haven't received mail this past two month. You know, good mail like present, trade, or some kind of stuffs since I'm kinda busy with my life, not to mention my online life.

So, from few mails I had sent, only two mails have arrived to surprise the random recipients.

(to shaami)

You can follow my twitter to find the latest update about this project. Now, cute finds :)

my latest treasury

I (still) haven't received good mail lately. What about you? What's the latest good mail you've received?


  1. my latest mail was from my best friend, she gave me lots of paper dolls :D

  2. My lates good mail was a hilarious birthday card from my mom!!

  3. I love to receive mail, so I try to have something on order at all times. It might be something inexpensive, but at least it is a package to open.

  4. I just posted about some good mail today. Handmade cross stitch from my grandmother that she made when she was 13. Hope you get some good mail in your mailbox soon!


  5. Hmmm... the last good mail I got was a button that I ordered from Etsy! If you don't count things I've ordered, then my last fun mail is probably a box of candies and goodies that my mom sent me at Easter.

  6. Hey, I'm your newest follower from Etsy :) Your blog is adorable!! I love the good mail idea :) The latest was a package I got in the mail yesterday - I won a giveaway and it was a photo that came from the UK!



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