
Something Charming... Charms Bracelet!

Yes, after charms necklace now is charms bracelets turns. *woohoo*.
But before that, I wanna show you my new love. What's that?

I've got my first card from Postcrossing project. It's really fun to receive random postcard with random words from random person! This postcard is handmade, it makes me want to make postcards! *oh, cmoon.

I have no equipment to make cards so I replace my curiosity by making these charms bracelets.

They're all available in myYellow Pony Online Shop, sama seperti cincin-cincin yang ada di sini.
Silahkan dilihat-lihat :)
Harganya dari Rp. 15.000 - Rp. 30.000. Kalau berminat, bisa langsung kasih komen di foto yang bersangkutan, or simply tweet me @ditamaulani.

Oh, one more thing I'd love to show you, my new banner on my Artfire shop, Lani Handmade.

I caaan't waaaiiittt toooo maakkkeee caaarrrdddsss!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love little charms!



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