
Friday FA FA FA!!!

Remember I've done few trades last November? Those items mostly arrived this December and take a look at this bag!

Handfelted bag from Linda of mutti on Etsy. I almost cried when I opened the box and find this bag!

Then I read the sweet words from Linda and it said "so, I could hide a present inside". Look what I've found!
I'm soooo haaapppyyy!!

Ya Allah sumpah gw seneng banget. Gila. Itu handfelted!!!! Pake tangan, ditusuk-tusuk, ya ampun. Saya kan jual kalung hand-felted beads juga di Etsy. Jadi, saya tau gimana 'derita' bikin bola-bola. Udah sering ketusuk dan berdarah-darah. Ini bikin tas dan gelaaangg!!! Gila ngga sih! Oh, my...

Ok, lemme take a deep breathe. I'm goddamn exited, too exited!
Thank you so much, Linda! I know you must love her other items, perfect hand-felted items:

Sale - Upcycled Felted Wool Turtleneck Sweater for Hot Water Bottle

Recently, I fall hard for paper. So here's my new experiment with paper.

Remember supply I've mentioned before? 

(yes, they're for sale here)

Another surprise for you! (LALALA FAFAFA! *dancing*)

Nyala Giveaway is up! Ini terbuka untuk penduduk Indonesia saja (I'm sorry for my international reader but this giveaway is open for Indonesia residents only :( ).
Check out more giveaway product here.

 Fabulous Friday, indeed.
I forget that the day was just started.


  1. Woohoo, handfelted! Makanya aku juga happy banget pas dikasi mb Dita kalung handfelted, krn aku tahu, bikinnya pake darah & air mata, hehehe...

  2. horee ada giveaway :) tengok ah

  3. halo dita :) aku baru visit blog mu, nih. tadi gak sengaja lagi blog walking.
    aku putusin buat kasih award sama kamu. silakan cek di blog'ku ya :) thanks&salam kenal.



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