
No Sew Felt Ribbon and Embroidery Thread Tutorial

No classes. + no private lesson = Productive Friday.
Look what I have for you here. An easy way to make no-sew felt ribbon with embroidery threads. Sooo many color combination possibilities ;)

Let's make it!

Ayo, teman-teman, kita bikin sekarang!

// Materials //
Double Tip

 // How to make //

Yang paling susah itu bagian mengerutkan si pita, karena bakalan lengket, jadi agak sulit untuk mendapatkan bentuk yang kita inginkan.
The trickiest part was scrunching the ribbon, stickiness from the double tip made it a bit difficult to get the shape we want.

Jangan lupa untuk menutupi semua bagian lengket dari dobel tip tadi. Pasti mau hasil yang rapi dan bagus, kan? ;)
Do not forget to completely cover the sticky area. You must want something neat and pretty, right? ;)

Setelah selesai, tinggal potong sisa benang dan... jadi deh! 
Once you're done covering the sticky area, just cut the thread and..voila! No-sew ribbon felt is done!

Teman-teman bisa membuatnya jadi jepit rambut, bros, atau bahkan kalung! Saya mau sesuatu yang simpel dan gampang. Jadi, saya tempelin dobel tip lagi ke belakang pita dan menempelkan ke amplop yang siap dikirim! Kalau teman-teman bikin kira-kira mau dijadiin apa pita nya?
You can use is as hair clip, brooch, or even a necklace! I wanted something simple and easy so I put another double tip on the back of the ribbon and stick it to a ready-to-ship envelope! If you have time doing this simple tutorial, what creation will you make?

Happy almost weekend to everyone! 


  1. How cute! And I love that it's no-sew!

  2. Very sweet little bow! Thanks for the tut!!

  3. Adorable! These would be fun to make for wrapping presents.

  4. nice tricky!!!

    Ayo bikin lagi tutorialnya hehe :)
    Btw bilingual itu keren bgt Ditaaa..bhs inggrisku payah hihihihi..

  5. Oooh! I'm going to have to try this! Thanks for sharing!


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